June 4, 2019 in Sports News
Down off the white sandy beaches of the Gulf of Mexico at Destin, Florida, the movers and shakers who run the Southeastern Conference, aka. The SEC, held their annual spring meetings in May, and actually got something done this time around.
The long overdue change to the outdated policy of not allowing alcohol sales to anyone but rich people at SEC on campus events such as baseball, basketball and, of course, football games, has finally been rescinded. The decision now rests solely with the individual universities as to whether or not they will allow booze sales to the general public.
Of course, for those who could afford the tab, just rent one of those high class ‘suites’ built into the stadium with one wall being of glass or open and overlooking the action down on the field. Padded seats, private bathrooms and, of course, a well stocked bar. Those folks have always been able to drink whatever they wanted. Most of the general admission fans simply put a small flask of bourbon in their back pocket, just like they have been doing for the past 50-60 years, and enjoyed the game.
Problem was, the University missed out on a substantial amount of revenue which would be coming from the sale of alcohol at their stadium events. With over 100,000 thirsty fans going to football games these days, that’s a lot of revenue. When they finally got down to looking at the numbers and realized what hefty sums the schools were missing out on, the decision for change was fourth coming.
But don’t expect any great changes. The pocket flasks will still be around and the games will go on pretty much as they always have and folks will wonder why in the hell it took them so long to finally make the change. The SEC was the last major conference to do so.
Beginning on August 1st, beer and wine will be sold on the SEC campuses that choose to do so. But don’t wait for a vendor to come around to you seat hawking cold beer and pouring semi-fine wines. The booze will only be available from stationary stations behind the seating.
Additionally, there will be cut off times for the sale of alcoholic beverages of any kind, presumably with the trip home in mind. So, top off you glass before the third quarter is done if you are at an SEC football game. Booze sales will cease at the end of the third quarter. Similar restrictions will be in effect for baseball, basketball and all other sports where booze is being sold on campus.
The SEC is one of the top sports conferences in the nation boasting championships in almost every sport year after year. It’s good to see that they are finally catching up to the times. Salud!