Peyton Manning Injury: Did He Play His Last Game?
January 30, 2012 in Sports News
The Peyton Manning neck injury has his fans, his family, and even his team, The Colts, seriously concerned about his future in football. While Manning was expected to immediately bounce back from the injury, it turned out to be a lot more serious than was originally thought. His recovery has been long and difficult, and he’s still not completely better. In fact, there is serious doubt as to whether or not Manning will actually be able to take the field with The Colts, or any other team for that matter, ever again. The outlook is depressingly bleak.
In the off chance that he does make a full recovery from the now infamous Peyton Manning injury, he won’t ever be the same player again; that much is certain. His quarterback mechanics will be severely limited from here on out. Plus, as has recently been reported, one wrong move or serious hit, and Manning could end up paralyzed for the rest of his life. He’ll never be able to use the aggressive, serious playing style that has made him famous and turned The Colts into a success.
Most of those close to Peyton Manning agree that it’s too dangerous for him to return to the NFL and are begging him to retire before he does himself irreparable harm. There is a lot of speculation about the many positions Manning could take besides his old role as Quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, but Manning won’t hear of it. He desperately wants to come back to the playing field as the starting quarterback, and is fighting tooth and nail to make it happen. His family and other loved ones, however, fear the worst; they don’t want to see him get hurt again.
With so much left up in the air, absolutely nobody, not even Manning himself, is sure of what is going to happen. We will all just have to wait anxiously to see. The whole thing, though, is unfortunate, as Manning was such a strong, gifted player who had a lot to offer his team and his fans. Plus, there’s the fact that Manning himself has never loved anything more than he loves playing football.