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Pay Per Player: A Bookie’s Guide to Success

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Bookie Guide to SuccessIf you are a professional bookie, but you aren’t using a pay per player service, then you should know just how much you’re missing out on. Doing business without one of these services is much more difficult than it has to be, and to be frank, is also quite outdated. Why make things harder on yourself and on your clients? Get with a good PPH agency that can help to bring you into the new world of the industry.

For those who are totally new to the pay per player way of doing things, know that these services are actually much simpler than they might seem at first. The pay per player agency acts as an international wager outsourcing center for the professional bookies who use it. In return, the bookies pay a small weekly fee for each player they have on the books. The agency being used should not be involved in collecting money or profiting from wagers to ensure service that is always fair and trustworthy. It is important to note, however, that these agencies do a lot more than just wager outsourcing; that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.

A good pay per player service will have a full support staff that is always there to offer bookie tips and bookie advice to those who need it. The right pay per player agency will also have a risk management team to help you maximize your profits and minimize your losses, the most up to date sports book software currently available and many opportunities for your players to make you money. These should include casino play, all the traditional sports betting options, and even unique ways to bet, like betting on political elections, the outcome of reality television shows, awards shows, and more.

So, all you have to do to start experiencing these and other great benefits is to find the right service for you and your needs. For best results, look for one that has been in business for a long time and that knows and understands the industry inside and out.


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