Does Your Current Offshore Bookie Service Provide You With A Pay Per Head Call Center?
February 25, 2013 in Bookmaker Advice
For US based bookies that are considering heading South and hooking up with an offshore pay per head bookmaking service it is paramount that they first do their due diligence to find the best bookie service that offers them all the tools necessary to be successful!
It seems like almost every day new online bookie web sites are popping up online in offshore places such as Costa Rica. This is due to Costa Rica’s liberal stance on online gambling, sportsbooks and pay per head offices.
Although this flooded market is a plus for bookies looking to go offshore it can also be a curse as well. At first bookies must take any of these per head services options at face value and remember to take their time and most importantly choose wisely.
The good news for those US based bookies that are looking to make a move offshore is that these turnkey bookie services can quickly elevate the quality of your bookie business.
Sports bookies that are in the process of finding the best pay per head bookmaking service must insist on choosing one that offers their sports bettors an all English speaking 24 hour pay per head call center! Pay per head call centers will allow your sports bettors to place sports wagers over the telephone 24/7/365. The key for bookies is to find a pay per head call center whose staff comprised of well trained English speaking personnel.
Most offshore pay per head bookmaking services have advanced bookie software that actually digitally records each and every wager that comes into their offices for your protection. These recording are achieved and made available to you on demand which will assist you in resolving any type of misunderstanding or player dispute.
Most offshore pay per head bookmaking services will also offer sports bookies their very own online bookie sites. These customized bookie websites will immediately change the perception of your once local bookie business to a full blown offshore sportsbook. Having your very own online bookie site will give your players more opportunities to place their sports wagers 24/7/365. These online bookie sites can also be accessed by any smartphone, tablet or ipad that to advanced mobile betting applications!