Becoming A Bookie Is Easy Thanks To Offshore Price Per Head Offices
March 9, 2013 in Bookmaker Advice
If you are seriously thinking about becoming a Sports Bookmaker, the first piece of advice I have to offer is simply this, be careful. Be careful who you recruit and be careful where you do it. Remember, word of mouth is always the best form of advertising. Only work with players that you know and trust and only take on new players that are sent to you by people that you know and trust.
The Bookmaking Business is all about trust. It is the tie that binds the bookie and the player together. Gambling on sports is simply a form of entertainment for most players. They do it to have fun… add a little excitement to the big game.
If players are comfortable and confident about the guys that is booking their action, they will likely be playing with the same guy years down the road.
If you are just now coming into the bookmaking business you probably don’t even remember the days when your friendly neighborhood Bookie was tied to a local sports bar where he could view multiple television sets and make constant trips to the pay phone on the back wall. His standard equipment included a couple of beepers and a big roll of quarters for the phone.
Not so in 2013. Nowadays technology has evolved to the point that the modern Bookmaker can keep up with his day to day business from just about anywhere. With the advent of modern SmartPhones and IPads, today’s 21st century Bookie can access all of his players’ action around the clock. The new Software for Bookies that has developed in recent years enables the savvy bookmaker to hook up with a company known as Price Per Head Services that will take over his daily reporting tasks and leave him free to handle his payouts and collections and perhaps even discreetly recruit some new players.
The Price Per Head Service provides complete SportsBook, RaceBook and Casino action to his players 24/7. Players love the day and night accessibility to wagering and, naturally, the bookies volume will increase as his players use the new site and show it to their buddies… who will be asking for an account before long themselves.
The Best Pay Per Head Companies will offer you superior agent service. They will take your players wagers and talk them through any situation that might arise, but, at the end of the day, they work for you, the professional Bookie.